It is important to have quick access to key metrics regarding your bell desk. Ticket Board's reports are designed to provide you with the data you need in
a high-level, graphical format.
The Ticket Checked per Hour Report
Do you need a better way to staff your bell desk during the busiest times? This report is designed to show you the busiest time for checking luggage.
The number of tickets checked is displayed for each day, and each hour of the day.
The Ticket Claimed per Hour Report
Do you need a better way to staff your bell desk during the busiest times? This report is designed to show you the busiest time for claiming luggage.
The number of tickets claimed is displayed for each day, and each hour of the day.
The Current Tickets Report
This report is designed to be an inventory report. It shows you every ticket that is currently stored, anong with the time it was stored, where it is stored, who checked it in,
and any comments.
The Claimed Tickets Report
This report is designed to be an inventory report. It shows you every ticket that was claimed during the selected time period. It lists the ticket number,
where it was stored, who checked it and when, and who chaimed the ticket and when it was claimed.
Tickets Checked per Person Reports
These reports are designed to show you who is checking the most luggages!
Tickets Claimed per Person
These reports is similar to the previous ones, but these reports shown you who is bringing out the luggage.
Ticket Board is set up! Lets see how to use Ticket Board.